Hymn #850 from the Lutheran Service Book: “God of Grace and God of Glory” This one line really jumped out at me as a stand alone prayer. Lord, “Bend our pride to Your control” Amen.
Author: Deb

Expectation vs. Hope
“But there’s a difference in these words expectation and hope. When I expect something, I’m nearly certain it will arrive. When I hope for something, I am less sure about it. My expectations around the season are tactical, what will happen where and when. My hopes go deeper. Perhaps expectations are how we want things […]

Interpreting Music in Worship
Nearly all of this post is excerpted from this much deeper post from Concordia University Irvine. “Using the song “Reckless Love,” let’s explore this phenomenon and consider 3 different perspectives of meaning: (1) the songwriter’s, (2) the text’s, and (3) the participant’s. At the heart of the controversy is the song’s use of the word […]

Pain Scale
Found this webpage: What is CRPS? It’s very interesting! This is the first pain scale I can agree on. I need to have this printed for when I go to the doctor and they ask me 0-10! 🙄 🤷♀️ It still makes me low-key mad that there’s a zero on the pain scale. I’m not […]

There can be only one.
Amazon customer pits M&M’s against each other. It’s a saga to behold!

Lost and Found
I lost a package of labels, and I really need them! I searched all over… I didn’t find my labels, but I’m not even mad or frustrated. After all, I found…

Given and Taken
Love God the most. To love something or someone else more leads to suffocation – or at the least disappointment, etc. God is the only source of lasting fulfillment & satisfaction.

Spiritual Gifts
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

Lavish Sower
The parable of the sower didn’t make sense! No one in their right mind would waste precious seeds by spreading them in areas where plants could not grow. However, there was a purpose!